Understanding “Radical Openness”

Radical Openess – for TEDGlobal 2012 is a short video  produced and narrated by Jason Silva. He makes the point about connnecting ideas and the exponential growth of technology and opportunities for a better future. Here are a couple of quotes from the video:

  • “Man is a bridge and not an end.” Neechi
  • “Our imaginary foundation tells our imagination to conceive delightful future possibilities, pick the most amazing, and pull the future forward to meet it.” Silva

This concept reinforces the need to continue developing Agile Planning, the discipline of Strategic Doing for guiding open innovating networks, and the importance of growing our relational foundation (CRI). Our work is guiding open networks in imagining where we want ot go and describing characteristics of those outcomes; then collaboaratively creating those pathways, projects and initiatives to get us to the outcome condition we imagine.

Here is Jason’s video:

<p>“RADICAL OPENNESS” – for TEDGlobal 2012 by @Jason_Silva from Jason Silva on Vimeo.</p>